Can academics use the "copyright termination" system to recover academic works?

Heard an interesting story on copyright termination on NPR last night: Taking Back ‘Funkytown’: Songwriters Prepare For A Custody Battle  By Joel Rose.  This in turn led me to a New York Times article on the same general topic: A Copyright Victory, 35 Years Later –

The gist of these stories is that it turns out UC Copyright law has a “termination” provision which allows artists / writers / etc to terminate copyright agreements that they made for work they produced.  This is allowed 35 years after the copyright was assigned.  And many musicians are using this provision of copyright law to reacquire some works they made three and a half decades ago.

So – I am asking the world out there – could this same provision be applied to scientific or academic works?  Would this be a way to move a lot of material that is behind a wall back into the hands of authors and/or into the public domain?  I am looking into doing this with work published by my father as a test case (as part of my long struggle of  Freeing My Father’s Publications (since termination rights apparently transfer to family members if the holder passes away as my dad did in 1987).

So – anyone out there know if this termination has been used for scientific or academic works?

UPDATE: Other reading

A day to think, to pause, to ponder

Today is not an easy day for me.

I pause today to think about a person in my life.  A person who was dedicated to science and discovery and improving the human condition.  A person who was idealistic and sensitive and also had some mental health issues.  A person who was pushed over the edge by an overly aggressive, misguided investigation.  A person who became lost in some sort of downward spiral triggered by this investigation.  A person who then took their own life and in one moment created a catastrophic ripple in the world around them.

This person was not Aaron Swartz, though I am thinking of him today too. The person I refer to was my father.  On this day, February 7, 1987, my father Howard J. Eisen took his own life.  I was a freshman in college then.  Enjoying life on my own at Harvard.  Exploring the world of new friends, academic pursuits, and the usual college antics.  And then it all exploded.  The details are a bit of a blur and most are not really important for what I write about here.  But suffice it to say I was devastated.

I flew home to Maryland with my brother and slowly the details emerged.  My father was a researcher at the NIH.  A paper was being prepared for publication by a post doc who worked for a colleague / boss of my father and who my father also worked with.  My father was apparently asked to look at the paper and some “discrepancies” were noted and my father helped launch an investigation into the work.  The NIH panel that was brought in to investigate the work of this post doc was very aggressive – very unpleasant – and even though no accusations of wrong doing were made against my father – the style and tone of the investigation pushed him over the edge.  And he could not dig himself out.  Some people knew he was having trouble with the whole incident but others (e.g., myself) were not in the loop at all.  I knew nothing.  Perhaps people thought I had enough going on as a freshman in college or perhaps it just never came up.  But all I knew was discovered after finding out my father had died, by taking his own life, on February 7, 1987.

Losing my father at the age of 18 was devastating.  Still is.  The fact that he killed himself made it even worse of course.  There were even news stories for a while about it – in the Washington Post, and New York Times, and the Associated Press and Nature and such.  Some of the stories helped in a way because they did not accuse my father of any wrong doing.  For example the Washington Post reported

“Dr. Howard J. Eisen, a respected scientist at the National Institutes of Health, committed suicide at his Bethesda home last week while under pressure from an investigation he helped initiate of alleged scientific fraud by a coworker. 

The suicide has shocked the NIH community and outraged some scientists there, who think that the stress of the investigation triggered Eisen’s death. They view it as a case of the system making a responsible scientist suffer even though he acted aggressively to uncover possible dishonesty in his laboratory. Eisen’s friends and family acknowledged that his personality-he was intensely idealistic and unusually sensitive-made him vulnerable.”

And the Nature article, by Joe Palca, reported “NIH made no allegations against Eisen.” Did these make me feel better?  I suppose.  But of course, not really.  Suicide is brutal for those left behind (and I am sure for those who commit it).  I have never recovered.  But I note – the life and death of my father, and the story of the investigation, have shaped my life.  It is why, when I went to graduate school, my #1 criterion for choosing a PhD advisor was that they were a good, kind person.  After struggling with some of the people I worked with I found such a person in Phil Hanawalt and, really, never wanted to leave his lab.  I see so many examples of scientists and MDs and administrators abusing their positions of power and finding someone who does not do any such things can sometimes be a challenge.

The story behind my father’s death is also why, a few years ago, when I realized my father’s publications were not freely and openly available that I got so angry.  My father had, in a way, died over his research.  And for it to not be available pained me to no end.  When David Dobbs wrote a story about my quest to Free my Father’s publications I felt some peace that I had done something in his name.  And when I finally made them all available a week later, I was truly happy.

The story behind my father’s death is also why, when people have pointed out to me that I have been a bit over the top in critiquing others, that I back off.  And I have tried to get others on the web and in my arena to be much more careful about avoiding personal attacks (e.g, see here).

I also note that the story behind my father’s death is why the death of Aaron Swartz hit home so hard to me.  I knew Aaron a tiny bit (having met a SciFoo many years ago) but not in any deep way.  I read the stories about his JStor download and even wrote about it a little bit.  But I was not aware of the demented, aggressive prosecution of him and when I read about his death I was devastated.  The story reminded me a great deal of my father.  I wrote about Swartz and about the follow up PDFTribute movement (here and here) but it felt a bit awkward since I did not know quite how to discuss my own personal feelings about this story.  So I said nothing.  But now, in tribute to my father, I am trying to not ignore the facts around his death.  They are a part of his life and a part of why I am the way I am.  So I write this post.  And I call for others out there to remember – life is fragile.  Be careful with your words and your actions.  No – one cannot blame everyone – or anyone really – for complex things like suicide.  But we can all do a little bit to improve how we treat others.  And on this day, when I am 44, the same age as my father was when he died, that is what I think about.

My father, Howard J. Eisen

UPDATE 2/8: See my brother’s nearly simultaneously written post about this topic (which we did not discuss – typical – here).

Storification of responses

Freeing my father’s publications part 5: near completion of PDF collection at Mendeley (h/t @David_Dobbs)

Well, the story continues.  Yesterday marked a major achievement in my goal to free up the scientific publications of my father Howard J. Eisen, who passed away in 1987 when I was in college.  I have been working for the last 3+ years or so on collecting and sharing as much of his scientific work as possible.  I have documented this effort on a page on this blog: Freeing dads pubs.  That page contains links to various details about my effort here.

I have been doing this for many reasons.  And I could detail them all here.  But instead I point you to the amazing story written by David Dobbs that relates to this effort: Free Science, One Paper at a Time | Wired Science |  David is a science writer/blogger/scientist/journalist and about a year ago he was interviewing me for a story that he was working on about Mendeley.  It was good timing as right around then I was trying all sorts of different tools for sharing his publications, from Academia.Edu to web pages and so on.  And I had been looking at Mendeley too.  When Academia.Edu did not pan out, Mr. Gunn suggested in a comment on one of my posts that this might work in Mendeley.  So I set up a Mendeley page for my father which I diddled around with for a bit.  But inspired by the discussions with David I tried to beef up the Mendeley page and try to learn how to use the system.  And I managed to post many of my dad’s papers there and on my blog.  And I ended up telling David about the whole saga of trying to free up my dad’s papers.  David, being an insightful journalist, realized that this saga was a good story and he asked a lot of questions about it.

But then I got caught up in life and the effort to free my dad’s publications slowed down.  That was, until David’s blog post came out: Free Science, One Paper at a Time | Wired Science |  The piece moved me.  It scared me a bit at first, since there are some really personal details in there, but I realized when reading it why he had focused in on this story.  So, with his post out there – for all to read.  I realized, I had to get my shit together and redouble my efforts to free up my father’s publications.  So over the last week or so I have been scavenging around (with some help from people around the web) trying to dig up PDFs of as many of my father’s papers as possible.  Note – I generally would like to obtain these papers without having to pay for them but I am trying to not break any laws either.

I am writing today because I have nearly completed the task of getting PDFs of all of his papers.  And I have discovered that Mendeley is really a great way to share them.  So now on the Howard Eisen Mendeley page almost all of his papers are there for anyone to obtain.  And thanks to the social features of Mendeley, more and more people will see and have access to those papers, thus ensuring that they do not wallow in never never land but continue to have some potential impact on science and society.  Anyway – thanks David, for a wonderful article and for inspiring me to get moving on the “Freeing My Father’s Publications” effort.  And thanks to all the people who have supported me along the way including Linda Avey, Mr. Gunn, David Williams, and more.  It has been a slog but we are getting there.

Afterthought: some additional discussions of David’s story include:

Starting to like Academia.Edu, except for annoying emails re: who is searching for me

Well, I am continuing to play around with Academia.Edu. I created a profile there for myself and am also building one for my father Howard Eisen as part of my campaign to “Free my father’s publications.” Academia.Edu has some nice features. I think I still like Mendeley more, but am reserving judgement.

That being said, the default setting at Academia.Edu for email updates is really annoying — I keep getting messages like

Hi Jonathan,

Someone just searched for you on Google, and found your page on

To see the search query they used, what rank you are on Google for this query, and what country the search came from, follow the link below

Link removed by me


The team


To ensure that your page appears high up on Google, link to it from the website of your department, college, university or blog. 88% of people on who link to their page like this appear #1 on Google for searches for their name + university, e.g. ‘Richard Price Oxford’.

First of all, getting emails like this should be Opt In not Opt Out. Second, I find this to be a bit too earnest an attempt to manipulate google rankings to help out Academia.Edu. (I note, while creating this post, I did a search for myself and Academia.Edu and got the links above and then I got an email again, telling me someone searched for me. I know. It was me. I mean, I guess link trading is a real thing, but telling me to add a link do that my Academia.Edu profile might move up in searches is I guess annoying to me.

Anyway – still playing with Academia.Edu. Still liking much of it. But if you search for me on the web and go to Academia.Edu I am sorry but I will not know as I will be disabling email messages from them.

Freeing my father’s publications part 5: many PDFs added

I made some major updates to this page where I am posting information about my father’s publications: The Tree of Life: Freeing my father’s publications

This is part of my ongoing effort on Freeing my father’s publications
Today I added PDFs for about 10 more of his papers to the list of papers which I am posting here. Still more to add, but making progress.

Freeing my father’s publications part 4

Well, the saga on “Freeing my father’s publications” continues.  I am now experimenting with posting papers by my father on a “personal” website dedicated to this task, since most/many journals allow one to post one’s papers this way.

Since I am about to head out to a meeting, I am going to do the simple part first.  Making a collection of as many of his papers as I can.  I am posting these on a “Page” associated with this blog here, at least for now.

Here is the first:

Eisen HJ, Goodman HM. Growth hormone and phosphorylase activity in adipose tissue. Endocrinology. 1969 Feb;84(2):414-6. PMID: 4303531.  I have a printed copy I made 10 or so years ago.  I scanned it with my Fukitsu ScanSnap S1500M scanner and used the “convert to PDF with text” option.   And this is what came out.  Not perfect but not so bad.

More coming.  And thanks to David Williams, a friend from my youth, who knew my dad, for helping inspire me to keep at this.

Freeing my father’s publications part 3

Well, continuing on with what I started two years ago and posted about yesterday. I am trying to make scientific publications by my father (Howard J. Eisen) freely available on the web somehow.

For more see

And alas things did not start out well today.  At the suggestion of Linda Avey I looked at Academia.Edu to see if I could create a page there for my father.  I guess I could have lied, but they ask for current institution/affiliation so I could not do that. 
So I decided to start to try to download his papers from journal sites to use when I create some web site for him… not getting very far I note … and getting a bit pissed off. 
  • Paper #1: 
    • Growth hormone and phosphorylase activity in adipose tissue. Eisen HJ, Goodman HM. Endocrinology. 1969 Feb;84(2):414-6. 
    • Available online apparently here.  Published by The Endocrine Society which makes papers from 12 month old back to 1997 available for free online.  But it does not make older papers available.  What an inane policy.  So I cannot (legally) get a PDF of this paper without paying for it?  F*$cking brilliant. Glad though, that UC Davis is not paying for this as it should be available for free to everyone.
  • Paper #2 : 
    • Horm Metab Res. 1971 Sep;3(5):331-5.The effects of hypophysectomy on phosphorylase activity in adipose tissue and muscle. Hellman DE, Eisen HJ, Goodman HM.
    • Seems to be available via Thieme Journals here.  But then alas, it is not available for free. Great.
  • Paper #3 :
    • Endocrinology. 1973 Feb;92(2):584-8. Effect of insulin on glycogen synthesis in fetal rat liver in organ culture. Eisen HJ, Glinsmann WH, Sherline P.
    • Any guesses anyone?  Yup, some thing from Endocrinology
  • Paper #4 :
    • Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1973 Dec;70(12):3454-7. Regulation of hepatic glycogen synthesis during fetal development: roles of hydrocortisone, insulin, and insulin receptors. Eisen HJ, Goldfine ID, Glinsmann WH.
    • Hooray. Kudos to PNAS for doing the right thing and making older papers available for free via Pubmed Central
That is where I am stopping for now.  Will keep working on this over the next few weeks. 

Freeing my father’s publications part 2

Well, it is Father’s Day.  And inevitably I end up thinking about my father, who passed away in 1987.  As part of wanting to keep the memories of my father alive, every Father’s Day I end up thinking at least a little bit about my father’s scientific work.  He was an MD who did research at the NIH, focusing mostly on glucocorticoid receptor’s and related topics.

In 2008 I wrote a post about how I was struggling to “free” his publications so at least people could see them, if they wanted to.  See Freeing My Father’s Scientific Publications and then an update here Freeing My Father’s Scientific Publications Update

But inevitably, as with most things in life, I got busy and never ended up finishing this activity.  And so I am back to it again in 2010.  And I am still struggling to do this.  The fact that papers by my father, published some 20-40 years in the past, are still not all available is indicative in part of the broken state of scientific publishing.  For example, many of his papers are available electronically, but are behind some pay wall from a publisher that limits access (I made a list of many of his papers here: CiteULike: Group Papers by my father, Howard J. Eisen)

I do not think that this is what NIH or taxpayers envisioned when they supported his work -for it to basically be lost due to greed.  And as my brother pointed out in a comment on one of those posts from 2 years ago – since my father worked for the NIH his publications should be free anyway, in terms of government employees not being allowed to sign over copyright.

So I am going to at least do what I can to free them up and make them known.  My main plan is to get PDFs of all the papers (some I can download, others I will have to scan myself),  and create a “personal” website to distribute all of them.  Hopefully these will get picked up by Google Scholar.  And I am going to explore whether there are better ways to get these papers in the public domain.  I am also going to try to do whatever else I can to get his work into the public domain – it seems like the least I can do to honor his memory.


Freeing My Father’s Scientific Publications Update

Well, I have made some progress already in my quest I began on Father’s Day to free up the scientific publications of my father (see The Tree of Life: Freeing My Father’s Scientific Publications).

I wrote to the powers that be at the journal “Endocrinology” asking about when back issues might be made available. And I got a VERY quick reply from someone from Highwire Press which is the place that puts out Endocrinology on the web

Dear Jonathan Eisen,

The Endocrine Society is currently in the process of loading back issues for all of their journals. It will most likely be six months before back content is online.

The person who wrote back was almost apologetic about how long this might take but I am personally very pleased. Given that Endocrinology says the make all articles more than a year old available for free, this likely means that my father’s three papers in Endocrinology will soon be available for free online. This then changes my tally to:

Pubmed Central: 3
Free access: 17
Fee access: 11
Unavailable: 4

Getting better. Of course, I want them all to be as widely available as possible so I am still going to work to move everything up the list towards Pubmed Central. Also, my brother suggests (in the comments to my previous post) that since my father was a government employee we should be able to just post his papers online. I think this is a good option but I still will be working on the “official” channels to see what happens.

Since I made the original posting there have been some useful comments about what I might do on some other sites. See for example, this FriendFeed discussion (I have just discovered FriendFeed and it seems quite cool but I am not sure if everyone can see this discussion or not so please let me know if this link does not work).

I will keep posting on my progress as well as what I learn about Copyright, Free Access, etc.

Freeing My Father’s Scientific Publications

Today is Father’s Day. It was a great day for me, hanging out with my kids and wife and doing things around town here in Davis (we kind of made it Father’s Weekend and did some activities on Saturday too). Despite the wonderful weekend, this day is also filled with melancholy for me when I think about my father, Howard Eisen, who died when I was a freshman in college. I miss him greatly. But whenever I think about him I think about how he almost certainly would be really proud that his two sons (me and my brother Michael at Berkeley) are now scientists.

You see, my father was a scientist too — an MD who did research at the NIH, focusing mostly on hormone receptors. Given my propensities for putting things on the web and trying to disseminate scientific information, I cam up with a plan last night to create some sort of web page in his honor with some information about his work and his life.

The thing is, I actually know little about his work, because while I was growing up, my parents never really talked about the details of their work (my mom is a scientist too). Sure, we went to the NIH occasionally and most of my parents friends were scientists. And they talked sciency talk. But they did not really discuss details of their work. I think in the end, this is partly why my brother and I did not shun the family business and went into science.

So, of course, being the obsessed Open Access advocate, the first thing I decided to look at was what publications of my fathers I could get my hands on. This was both to read them and to make them available on this tribute page.

So – my first step in this journey was to search Pubmed for Eisen HJ. And then I had to remove the publications by another Eisen HJ. And so I was left with 35 publications in PubMed (I know he had some other articles as well as chapters in books and such but this is a good start). So then I asked – which of these were available online in one way or another. According to Pubmed 24/35 were available online. Of those available online:

  • Pubmed Central: 3
  • Free access: 13
  • Fee access: 8
  • Unavailable: 11.

This made me both happy and sad. I was glad to see some of his publications in Pubmed Central (thanks to PNAS and the Biochemistry Journal for putting them there). It was also good to see many available for free, even if this was only at some journals site. So – thanks to journals like J. Biol. Chem. for making the material available online for free. But I was a bit saddened to see how many of his papers, which are now all over 20 years old, being available only for a fee. And I was also a bit saddened to see how many had not yet made it into the digital world.

So – what to do next? Well, my goal is to get access to all his papers and then to free them up to the world. So my first step was to see if any of the ones that Pubmed did not have links for might be available online anyway. And indeed a few were. For example, Pediatric Research back issues are available online. And these are free. In addition, his papers in Biochemistry, J. Steroid Biochemistry and Advances in Genetics is available for a fee but it is not linked from Pubmed. So with this information the new tally was

  • Pubmed Central: 3
  • Free access: 14
  • Fee access: 11
  • Unavailable: 7

Getting digitized.
So for those 7 that are currently unavailable (at least anywhere I could find) digitally, my next step is to try and lobby the journals to make them available. For some journals, this has some hope (well, not per se my lobbying, but they may make them available). For example, Endocrinology has some back issues available but just not all the way back to some of my father’s publications in that journal. So, I wrote to the journal Endocrinology using the link from the journal site and asked what their plans were for older issues. And I will post here if I get a response. (( UPDATE – THESE ARE TO BE MADE AVAILABLE SOON ACCORDING TO HIGHWIRE PRESS.)) I am doing the same for all the other unavailable publications, although some of the journals seem to not exist anymore.

Convincing “free” access journals to deposit old papers in PMC.
My next goal is to see if the “free” access journals have any plans to submit stuff to Pubmed Central. Yes, I know PMC is not perfect, but I believe it is better to have things in PMC than just on a journals website. So I am writing to all these journals to find out if they have any plans to deposit this material.

Freeing up the “fee for access” papers.
My final initial goal, and probably the most challenging, is to figure out ways to make the papers that are current “fee for access” available for free. If these were my papers, I suppose I could put many of the PDFs on my own web site. Perhaps I can do this for my father’s publications (does the right to do this get passed down?). Of course, first I have to get the PDFs and it just seems weird to me to have to pay to get access to papers my father wrote. Another possibility is that the journals would let me pay an OA fee to free up these old papers. I am going to look into that although I cannot really afford it. A final possibility would be to get the papers into PMC without the journals explicit agreement. Perhaps because my father was a government employee, the copyright would allow depositing in PMC? I do not know.

So right now, the process is incomplete. I am actually learning a good deal about OA from looking into older papers rather than just all the new papers I tend to focus on. And hopefully in the process I can free up all of my father’s papers so that his scientific legacy does not fade away as rapidly due to lack of access. And then next maybe I can focus on my grandfather’s publications.

Anyway — here is a list of my father’s publications with links and/or comments on their availability.

  1. Simons SS Jr, Pumphrey JG, Rudikoff S, Eisen HJ. Identification of cysteine 656 as the amino acid of hepatoma tissue culture cell glucocorticoid receptors that is covalently labeled by dexamethasone 21-mesylate. J Biol Chem. 1987 Jul 15;262(20):9676-80. PMID: 3597435.Click here to read
  2. Cresteil T, Jaiswal AK, Eisen HJ. Transcriptional control of human cytochrome P1-450 gene expression by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in human tissue culture cell lines. Arch Biochem Biophys. 1987 Feb 15;253(1):233-40. PMID: 3813564. Click here to read
  3. Eisen LP, Reichman ME, Thompson EB, Gametchu B, Harrison RW, Eisen HJ. Monoclonal antibody to the rat glucocorticoid receptor. Relationship between the immunoreactive and DNA-binding domain. J Biol Chem. 1985 Sep 25;260(21):11805-10. PMID: 3840164Click here to read
  4. Antakly T, Eisen HJ. Immunocytochemical localization of glucocorticoid receptor in target cells. Endocrinology. 1984 Nov;115(5):1984-9. PMID: 6208016. UPDATE – TO BE MADE AVAILABLE SOON ACCORDING TO HIGHWIRE PRESS.
  5. Harmon JM, Eisen HJ, Brower ST, Simons SS Jr, Langley CL, Thompson EB. Identification of human leukemic glucocorticoid receptors using affinity labeling and anti-human glucocorticoid receptor antibodies. Cancer Res. 1984 Oct;44(10):4540-7. PMID: 6331880Click here to read
  6. Reichman ME, Foster CM, Eisen LP, Eisen HJ, Torain BF, Simons SS Jr. Limited proteolysis of covalently labeled glucocorticoid receptors as a probe of receptor structure. Biochemistry. 1984 Oct 23;23(22):5376-84. PMID: 6391542
  7. Nebert DW, Eisen HJ, Hankinson O. The Ah receptor: binding specificity only for foreign chemicals? Biochem Pharmacol. 1984 Mar 15;33(6):917-24. Review. PMID: 6324804Click here to read
  8. Nebert DW, Brown DD, Towne DW, Eisen HJ. Association of fertility, fitness and longevity with the murine Ah locus among (C57BL/6N) (C3H/HeN) recombinant inbred lines. Biol Reprod. 1984 Mar;30(2):363-73. PMID: 6704471Click here to read
  9. Foster CM, Eisen HJ, Bloomfield CD. Covalent labeling of rat thymocyte and human lymphoid glucocorticoid receptor. Cancer Res. 1983 Nov;43(11):5273-7. PMID: 6577947Click here to read
  10. Karenlampi SO, Eisen HJ, Hankinson O, Nebert DW. Effects of cytochrome P1-450 inducers on the cell-surface receptors for epidermal growth factor, phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, or insulin of cultured mouse hepatoma cells. J Biol Chem. 1983 Sep 10;258(17):10378-83. PMID: 6309801Click here to read
  11. Mariani G, Kortright KH, Eisen HJ, Adamson RH, Waldmann TA. A methodological approach for the study of protein synthesis by cell cultures in vitro. J Nucl Med Allied Sci. 1983 Jul-Sep;27(3):237-47. PMID: 6198498
  12. Simons SS Jr, Schleenbaker RE, Eisen HJ. Activation of covalent affinity labeled glucocorticoid receptor-steroid complexes. J Biol Chem. 1983 Feb 25;258(4):2229-38. PMID: 6687388. Click here to read
  13. Tukey RH, Hannah RR, Negishi M, Nebert DW, Eisen HJ. The Ah locus: correlation of intranuclear appearance of inducer-receptor complex with induction of cytochrome P1-450 mRNA. Cell. 1982 Nov;31(1):275-84. PMID: 6186383Click here to read
  14. Legraverend C, Hannah RR, Eisen HJ, Owens IS, Nebert DW, Hankinson O. Regulatory gene product of the Ah locus. Characterization of receptor mutants among mouse hepatoma clones. J Biol Chem. 1982 Jun 10;257(11):6402-7. PMID: 6896205Click here to read
  15. Nebert DW, Negishi M, Lang MA, Hjelmeland LM, Eisen HJ. The Ah locus, a multigene family necessary for survival in a chemically adverse environment: comparison with the immune system. Adv Genet. 1982;21:1-52. Review. PMID: 7036691. Available online for fee but not linked from Pubmed.
  16. Eisen HJ, Schleenbaker RE, Simons SS Jr. Affinity labeling of the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor with dexamethasone 21-mesylate. Identification of covalently labeled receptor by immunochemical methods. J Biol Chem. 1981 Dec 25;256(24):12920-5. PMID: 6895516Click here to read
  17. Hannah RR, Nebert DW, Eisen HJ. Regulatory gene product of the Ah complex. Comparison of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin and 3-methylcholanthrene binding to several moieties in mouse liver cytosol. J Biol Chem. 1981 May 10;256(9):4584-90. PMID: 7217100Click here to read
  18. Stevens J, Eisen HJ, Stevens YW, Haubenstock H, Rosenthal RL, Artishevsky A. Immunochemical differences between glucocorticoid receptors from corticoid-sensitive and -resistant malignant lymphocytes. Cancer Res. 1981 Jan;41(1):134-7. PMID: 7448753Click here to read
  19. Nebert DW, Eisen HJ, Negishi M, Lang MA, Hjelmeland LM, Okey AB. Genetic mechanisms controlling the induction of polysubstrate monooxygenase (P-450) activities. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 1981;21:431-62. Review. PMID: 7016012Click here to read
  20. Marković RD, Eisen HJ, Parchman LG, Barnett CA, Litwack G. Evidence for a physiological role of corticosteroid binder IB. Biochemistry. 1980 Sep 30;19(20):4556-64. PMID: 7426614. Available online to purchase though no listed in Pubmed.
  21. Eisen HJ. An antiserum to the rat liver glucocorticoid receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1980 Jul;77(7):3893-7. PMID: 7001446Click here to read
  22. Hannah R, Simkins R, Eisen HJ. Synthesis of alpha-fetoprotein and albumin by fetal mouse liver cultured in chemically defined medium. Dev Biol. 1980 Jun 15;77(2):244-52. PMID: 6156873Click here to read
  23. Okey AB, Bondy GP, Mason ME, Kahl GF, Eisen HJ, Guenthner TM, Nebert DW. Regulatory gene product of the Ah locus. Characterization of the cytosolic inducer-receptor complex and evidence for its nuclear translocation. J Biol Chem. 1979 Nov 25;254(22):11636-48. PMID: 500663Click here to read
  24. Rechler MM, Eisen HJ, Higa OZ, Nissley P, Moses AC, Schilling EE, Fennoy I, Bruni CB, Phillips LS, Baird KL. Characterization of a somatomedin (insulin-like growth factor) synthesized by fetal rat liver organ cultures. J Biol Chem. 1979 Aug 25;254(16):7942-50. PMID: 468799Click here to read
  25. Simkins RA, Eisen HJ, Sparks JW, Glinsmann WH. Development of glucogenesis from galactose by fetal rat liver explants in organ culture. Dev Biol. 1978 Oct;66(2):353-60. PMID: 700252Click here to read
  26. Simkins RA, Eisen HJ, Glinsmann WH. Functional integrity of fetal rat liver explants cultured in a chemically defined medium. Dev Biol. 1978 Oct;66(2):344-52. PMID: 81156Click here to read
  27. Eisen HJ, Glinsmann WH. Maximizing the purification of the activated glucocorticoid receptor by DNA-cellulose chromatography. Biochem J. 1978 Apr 1;171(1):177-83. PMID: 646815Click here to read
  28. Eisen HJ, Glinsmann W. Partial purification of the glucocorticoid receptor from rat liver: a rapid, two-step procedure using DNA-cellulose. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1976 May 17;70(2):367-72. PMID: 180989Click here to read
  29. Eisen HJ, Ginsberg AL. Letter: Disulfiram hepatotoxicity. Ann Intern Med. 1975 Nov;83(5):673-5. PMID: 1200504. Back issues not currently available.
  30. Eisen HJ, Glinsmann W. Partial purification of glucocorticoid receptor from rat liver using DNA-cellulose. J Steroid Biochem. 1975 Jul;6(7):1171-3. PMID: 170470. AVAILABLE FOR FEE BUT NOT LINKED FROM PUBMED.
  31. Glinsmann WH, Eisen HJ, Lynch A, Chez RA. Glucose regulation by isolated near term fetal monkey liver. Pediatr Res. 1975 Jul;9(7):600-4. PMID: 125868. AVAILABLE FREE EVEN THOUGH MEDLINE DOES NOT HAVE LINK.
  32. Eisen HJ, Goldfine ID, Glinsmann WH. Regulation of hepatic glycogen synthesis during fetal development: roles of hydrocortisone, insulin, and insulin receptors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1973 Dec;70(12):3454-7. PMID: 4357871Click here to read
  33. Eisen HJ, Glinsmann WH, Sherline P. Effect of insulin on glycogen synthesis in fetal rat liver in organ culture. Endocrinology. 1973 Feb;92(2):584-8. PMID: 4682869. Wrote to ask if they will become available.  UPDATE – TO BE MADE AVAILABLE SOON ACCORDING TO HIGHWIRE PRESS.
  34. Hellman DE, Eisen HJ, Goodman HM. The effects of hypophysectomy on phosphorylase activity in adipose tissue and muscle. Horm Metab Res. 1971 Sep;3(5):331-5. PMID: 4332655
  35. Eisen HJ, Goodman HM. Growth hormone and phosphorylase activity in adipose tissue. Endocrinology. 1969 Feb;84(2):414-6. PMID: 4303531. Wrote to ask if they will become available. UPDATE – TO BE MADE AVAILABLE SOON ACCORDING TO HIGHWIRE PRESS.